Recently I came across some frugal websites that recommend eating eggs as a cheaper alternative to get protein than meat. Are eggs really a cheaper alternative? Let’s calculate.
Author: wiselyfrugal
5 Hobbies That Appear to Be Expensive but Cheap in the Long Run – and Can Make Money Too
In this post, I want to share ideas for activities that appear to be expensive but are actually ‘cheap’ in the long run. Expensive here means those activities in which initial cost to buy the necessary equipment is considerably high, and cheap here means no cost when doing the activities.
False Frugality: When Cheap Things Are Not Actually Cheap
When people are trying to save money, they tend to focus on one side only: saving money. While that works most of the time, there are things that you need to look more closely when it comes to saving money because sometimes they may actually cost you more in the long run.
Reverse Budgeting
Reverse budgeting, also known as ‘pay yourself first’, is whatever percentage or amount you want to save will go to your savings before you spend any of your income when the income arrives, and then spend the remaining amount accordingly.
Top 5 Things to Ditch to Live Frugally
The things most of us have but don’t realise that we can live without them if we want to live frugally.
How to Learn New Skills for Free Online
Courses have always been expensive, but thanks to the internet these days there are more and more free online courses accessible to everyone. But what if there’s no free course for the subject you want to learn?
Turn Your Hobbies Into Money
Almost any hobbies can be turned into money, and if you’re passionate enough, you can turn your hobby into a full-time job, just like what Confucius said, as previously mentioned above, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
Why Should We Live Frugally?
During the Great Depression and World War II, a frugal lifestyle was merely a means to survive, a necessity. But these days it’s a choice
6 Low-Cost Meal Ideas Under $5 per Serve
Here are six meal ideas under $5 per serve
Five Important Questions Before Making Any Purchase
You think about it night and day because you really really want it but buying it means you’ll have to sacrifice other needs temporarily as your money is not unlimited. Here are five important questions you should ask (and answer) yourself before making the purchase.