Side Hustle: Top 5 Digital Products That Sell

Side Hustle: Top 5 Digital Products That Sell

Having side hustles is always a good idea, especially during so much uncertainty like this Covid19 pandemic time. 

While some people are reluctant to start a side hustle due to the amount of capital it requires, some side hustles can be easily started with little capital. 

What’s more interesting is, digital products don’t involve any physical storage. There’s no need to ship any physical products as the customers download the products themselves after the payment. 

Not only is it practical, but you can also earn potentially unlimited income relatively quickly as the same products can be sold to many different customers.

Below are the top 5 digital products that are currently in high demand:

1. Ebook

If you’re passionate about something (e.g. gardening, cleaning, woodworking, easy recipes for children who don’t like to eat) you’re likely to have more skills and expertise in that area. Why not write a book about it? You can sell your Ebook on your own websites. If you’re keen to build your own website, Siteground is one of the most reliable hosting companies for your website. If you’re not technical and would prefer a drag and drop method, you may want to try Shopify

For the marketing side, here is a post on how to market your products.

2. Printables

These days, printables like organisers’ refills, wedding invitations, wedding planners, birthday invitations, birthday cards, etc, are highly sought. You can sell your printables on Etsy, or you can sell them on your own website. The pros of selling on Etsy is that it’s already popular so you have more exposure to millions of customers. The cons (as opposed to selling the printables on your own websites) is the fees and direct competition with millions of other sellers. If you use your own websites, you can strategise by firstly form a Facebook group, for example, where they have no exposure to other platforms and therefore, your website may be the only shop they go to get printables.

3. Designs

You don’t need to graduate from a design school to be a designer. Free online tools like Canva can help you design anything with ease.

Merchandise platforms like Red BubbleZazzle and Society6 print your design on clothing, pillowcases, wall arts, etc. You don’t have to worry about buying, storing, printing and sending any merchandise to any customers. All you need to do is upload your design and choose which merchandise suits your design the most and they do the rest.

4. Stock Photos

Ever wonder why some people have amazing pictures on their blogs/websites? Do they take the pictures themselves? Mostly no. Most of them buy pictures from stock photo agencies such as Shutterstock and Deposit Photos. So if you’re passionate about photography, why not start selling the pictures you take on the stock photo agencies. 

5. Videos

There have been high demands on videos made with drones. If you haven’t got any drones, why not get one from DJI. With just AU$749 you get a DJI mini that can record a superb quality of 4K/30fps Video. Stock photo agencies such as Shutterstock and Deposit Photos are great platforms to sell your videos. 
