10 Cheap, Healthy Lunch Ideas Under $5 per Serve

Buying lunch, as we know, is a waste of money. Currently, the average price for lunch in Melbourne (Australia) is $14. Imagine if you buy it 5 times a week. That’s 48 weeks x 5 days x $14 = $3,360 a year. You could either invest or spend it for holiday. If we want to live frugally, we should always make and bring our own lunch. Below are 10 healthy lunch ideas under $5 per serve.

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10 Cheap Ways to Stay Warm Without Heater

Winter is coming. Many people would simply blast their heater to keep their houses warm. Heaters consume energy: electricity, gas, fuel, or wood, and using heat beads or BBQ briquettes indoors is dangerous as they give off carbon monoxide as they burn. But of course there are some other options to reduce energy consumption. Here are 10 cheap ways to stay warm without a heater:

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How to Be Frugal Without Looking Cheap

Frugal is often associated with being cheap. In reality, they’re not the same. Being cheap means spending as little as possible without caring about the long term effects. It disregards the overall quality of the main purpose of an activity or an item. Below are 5 tips on how to stay frugal without looking cheap, assuming the items are already of good quality and last long.

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