Why Should We Live Frugally?

Why Should We Live Frugally?

During the Great Depression and World War II, a frugal lifestyle was merely a means to survive, a necessity. But these days it’s a choice many people make to feel happier, to spend money more intentionally, and live more passionately. 

Yet, still many other people question why we should live frugally. What is the point of living that lifestyle while your salary is more than enough without being frugal? Some of our friends or family members might even laugh at the word frugal, let alone living it as a lifestyle. 

Here are some advantages of living frugally:

More Emergency Fund

Let’s face it, none of the jobs is permanent these days. People get redundant, and when that happens, many people rethink about their life, whether to continue working for other people or working for themselves. Living frugally while you’re still working full time with regular income means you get to save more and when you get redundant or decide to quit your job for a business adventure, you have enough time and money to plan your life properly.

Able to Retire Early

Not only do you have more money, but you’ve also been accustomed to living frugally so early retirement would only mean more time to enjoy and pursue what you’re really passionate about, making your life feel more meaningful.

Eat Healthier

Living frugally means you don’t buy food randomly and recklessly. Preparation is done intentionally and this means you’re likely to eat healthier.

Save the Planet

Living a frugal lifestyle can also save the Planet. Here is a post about  How to Save the Planet While Also Being Frugal

Able to Give More to Humanity

Disasters and poverty still exist these days. By living frugally, you can set aside more money for charity. It’s been scientifically proven that altruistic behaviour releases endorphins in the brain, producing a positive feeling, knowing that the disadvantaged can get relief from their misfortune no matter how small it is.

More Time to Focus on What You’re Really Passionate About

Being frugal means you spend your money with a purpose, not out of addiction, e.g. shopping addiction only to pile stuff up and add more clutter in your house. 

Make Life Simpler

The aim of living a simpler life is to be less stressful. By living frugally, you are intentional in everything you buy. This means you avoid buying unnecessary items, leaving you live with less clutter. Fewer things to look after means more time to focus on what you’re really passionate about in terms of activities instead of materials, which at the end, create a happier life.

What About You?

Have you started living frugally? How do you benefit from living frugally? Please share your thoughts via the comment section below. 
